Why Chris Parnell’s Latest Role Is ‘A Weird Veep’

Why Chris Parnell’s Latest Role Is ‘A Weird Veep’


You probably know the actor of the animated series Chris Parnell. Rick and Morty, Television series 30 Rockor its years running. Saturday Night Live.

Now he’s bringing his memorable voice and comedic timing to a new project: playing a talking vape who offers “toxic cures” to teenagers.

The truth campaign, “Cure Your Vape Toxicity,” aims to highlight the link between vaping nicotine and poor mental health. It also offers a number of digital resources for quitting, including a text message program and an immersive online space where users can find tips for quitting and de-stressing. (The Truth Initiative, a nonprofit public health organization, funds the National Truth Campaign.)

As part of the campaign, the recently launched reality show “Everything Six Right Now” featured influencers Vincent Marx and Christian Werling talking about audience-submitted “vents”. Focus on coping skills. The hosts discuss life’s challenges, including the dangers of nicotine use and vaping.

On November 1, the truth campaign will launch a Snapchat filter that allows users to engage with Parnell’s vape character, then click through to access online resources.

Parnell says the talking vip is probably one of the weirdest characters he’s ever played.

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“I’ve talked about things before, but Vape is definitely one of the top few people in terms of being weird,” he told Mashable. “But the weird thing is where it’s at, it’s fun.”

While the PSAs are certainly quirky, they illustrate the negative association that youth vaping can have.

Truth Initiative surveys show that many young people turn to vaping to relieve stress and anxiety but eventually report worse mental health symptoms after their curiosity turns into an addiction. Vaping can also cause sleep disorders or disturbances, which can affect health.

Parnell’s vape drives home these points by encouraging the young man next to him to indulge his most anxious thoughts or stay up all night ruminating on things that make him feel bad.

Parnell told Mashable that the writing and voice acting “make it clear that this is a nasty kind of nasty guy who wants to make things worse for the person he’s talking to.”

Research suggests a link between vaping and poor mental health, although more studies are needed to establish cause and effect.

Still, ambassador for truth Karili Alcantara says she can relate. Alcantara, 21, says she started vaping as a teenager in high school to cope with “tremendous” stress. (Ambassadors for Truth receives a stipend from the Truth Initiative to create and promote projects that “impact tobacco-free communities.”)

By 2021, Alcantara realized she could no longer run without breathing problems. During work, she wanted to vape and became irritable and irritable.

“Vaping offered me five minutes of relief, a feel-good moment, a kind of euphoric moment, but then it was gone and my worries were there, so what good did it really do?” Alcantara says.

He started quitting by texting Sach’s anonymous and free quitting number. At first, Alcantara was skeptical that it could help. But daily reminders from the service told her it was okay to feel stressed or anxious about the process of leaving the fever.

Elizabeth Kenny, chief marketing and strategy officer at the Truth Initiative, says the campaign focuses on the link between vaping and mental health to help young people understand that the harms of nicotine use are immediately apparent. Maybe, rather than taking years or decades to develop.

He added that Parnell was an ideal actor to voice vape, especially given his reign. 30 Rock Playing the role of a doctor who gave authentically ridiculous or nonsensical medical advice.

Parnell says he was honored to play the role: “If it stops them from doing that, to reduce the frequency of it, that’s all good. And I’m happy with that weird sound.” “

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