EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s American Climate Corps sees more than 42,000 sign-ups since launch

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s American Climate Corps sees more than 42,000 sign-ups since launch


In the three weeks since President Joe Biden announced US Weather Corps — a new youth-oriented jobs program focused on training the next generation of clean energy, conservation, and resilient workers — has signaled its enthusiasm for tens of thousands of Americans for a growing green economy. For those at its helm, it’s proof that the New Deal-era vision of a community workforce can bring us closer to a sustainable future.

According to newly released numbers, the White House has received more than 42,000 interested signups for the program. More than two-thirds of respondents are between the ages of 18 and 35, which National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi tells Mashable is evidence of the Biden administration’s leap forward on climate — and America’s younger generations. His desire to make room for

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Biden launched the American Climate Corps to tackle the climate crisis with green job training.

“Across the country, young people want to be part of the solution. They want to physically be part of building a clean energy economy. They want the skills that will help them build this new and growing clean energy,” Zaidi said. Help build a career in the economy.” “We’ve also been hearing from employers that clean energy is very important in opening up new avenues for these jobs. So we feel vindicated. We feel very positive about the momentum. We more Will continue to work to recruit. People.”

Interagency Partnerships – which bring together national service organizations. American Corpsthe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Departments of Labor, Interior, Agriculture and Energy – is a core part of Biden’s climate agenda, a central organizing point of his 2020 campaign and early policy goals. In 2021, the president and congressional Democrats a Allotment of $30 billion for civilian climate cover During the initial deflationary law negotiations. Finally dropped, the administration has sought a new path for the works program.

Tackling the climate crisis doesn’t mean putting on a lab coat and going into a science building and tinkering with some new technology… we need people putting on hard hats and putting up wind turbines. I am.”

– Ali Zaidi, White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy

“It’s inspired by New Deal-era concepts, but reimagined by and driven by young people,” Zaidi explained. His department sees the American Climate Corps as a smooth path into civil service, and a way to lower barriers to entry for people from diverse backgrounds who are at risk of finding jobs in emerging fields. Can’t be inclined to.

“It’s really about delivering a program where no background is necessary. No experience is required. Everyone is welcome. Because the only way to meet this moment on climate change is to We have the whole team.”

AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith told Mashable that early sign-up numbers are impressive compared to the organization’s other environmental programs, likely reflecting a successful federal response to demands for higher minimum wages, such as jobs. which offer tangible opportunities for change, and sustainable career development paths.

“Whenever the unemployment rate is low, efforts like AmeriCorps struggle a little more with recruiting,” he explained. “Last year, AmeriCorps supported nearly 14,000 AmeriCorps members working in climate-related fields. So to see this number of over 42,000 signups is really huge.”

The first major opportunity for American Climate Corps members will be new. AmeriCorps NCCC Forest CorpsA partnership between AmeriCorps and the US Forest Service that provides a group of 80 people with jobs in conservation, reforestation and wildfire prevention.

The American Climate Corps is going to be entirely focused on environmental justice and equity.

– Michael Smith, American Corps

In support of environmental service opportunities and as an independent agency of the federal government, AmeriCorps also partners with and finances state-level climate corps. A growing network After President Franklin D. Roosevelt, job programs were established across the country to fill the post-New Deal void. Civilian Climate Corps. Last year, the nation’s largest service organization invested $120 million in climate programs for its service members, which Smith explained is a 20 percent increase over its 2021 spending.

AmeriCorps is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, with its predecessor programs — as well as climate activists — spending even more time building programs like the American Climate Corps. Even more entrenched in the climate conversation are tribal governments and indigenous communities across the country Long champion community-led climate programs and solution. The federal government has expressed its intention to cooperate with and support local communities as part of the US Climate Corps.

“We are excited that this work will not only address the challenges that our tribal communities face, but also engage with them and ensure that we adapt to their practices,” said Smith. Respecting.” “What? [AmeriCorps has] Heard again and again: ‘We have been doing this since time immemorial. We have solutions. You bring the investment and let us lead the way.’ This is truly America’s secret sauce and what will be the secret sauce of the American Climate Corps. We are not telling individual communities what to do. We’re letting this next generation lead the work, and we’re letting local communities lead the work.”

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Targeting conservation, environmental justice, and clean energy

Early data shows strong interest in Climate Corps as an option for building a sustainable and inclusive future through conservation efforts, with more than 80 percent of potential Climate Corps members signing ” “Protecting America’s Public Lands and Waters for Future Generations.” Ready to program

Reflecting a strong social consciousness among America’s youth, potential trainees also have an eye on environmental equity, as nearly 80 percent of signups expressed a desire to develop skills that will “ensure the health of all Americans.” , advances environmental justice to ensure thriving communities.”

And nearly 70 percent expressed interest in helping deploy low-cost, reliable, clean energy.

“At the inception of the US Climate Corps, we met with President Roosevelt and [Civilian Conservation Corps]. But it was — you know — all white guys,” Smith explained. “There was no focus on equity. There was no focus on justice. And so we’re turning it completely on its head. The American Climate Corps is fully focused on climate justice and equity.”

The U.S. Climate Corps’ unprecedented interest could point to a broader understanding of federal job programs and public services, which, both Zaidi and Smith said, could be a path to more effective climate solutions. .

“There is a growing recognition that there is a wide array of careers involved in the question of whether or not we meet the climate change moment,” Zaidi said. “Tackling the climate crisis doesn’t mean putting on a lab coat and going into a science building and tinkering with some new technology. That, in equal parts and on an equal scale, we need people with hard hats. Wearing and installing a wind turbine, people who are helping to shape the future, people who are adopting and innovating agricultural practices, so that we put carbon into the soil. Expanding on things that have happened. It’s very gratifying to see tens of thousands of young people sign up. Stand up and say, ‘Hey, we’re interested in ways to do this.’

The American Climate Corps is expecting a group of 20,000 people in the first round, which will accommodate only half the amount of those who have expressed interest so far. But increased investment in the clean energy sector, continued interest in affordable clean energy options and green jobs, and an equity-based framework to include disproportionately affected communities can ensure that the American climate Cover A lasting legacy of the Biden administration.

“Over the past several years, in a truly unprecedented way, young people have come together, organized, marched, struck, and fundamentally shifted the political economy of environmental action,” Zaidi said. “Young people have been a force of nature when it comes to the climate crisis, and now we’re harnessing that incredible power to build a literal clean energy economy.”

A dedicated US Climate Corps recruitment website will launch this winter, providing a seamless platform for US Climate Corps participants and organizations interested in learning about and applying for opportunities in their communities. Provide experience.

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