“Environmental” from Apple with example.  Conservation of nature or profit seeking?

“Environmental” from Apple with example. Conservation of nature or profit seeking?



For Apple, environmentalism is not an empty phrase; The company constantly portrays a fighter for a brighter future for humanity, a kind of money-less person who cares about future generations. A good reason that can easily mask the thirst for profit and the desire to charge extra money from the herd. Money in the market translates into tens or hundreds of dollars within Apple. And in this aspect, the company does not make money out of nothing; To some extent, this is the bane of excessive amounts of money in a consumerist society. But, on the other hand, the company does everything possible to ensure that you spend money without any hindrance and for this purpose very sensible decisions are made.

For example, we’re told that due to environmental concerns, the company makes its cables in chargers from biodegradable plastic. In life, such cables often fray and fail faster than ordinary plastics.

The math here is simple – over the life of the laptop, which is at least 5-6 years, you’ll probably buy an extra charger. I’ve never bought chargers for a laptop, but I bought them for Apple because they wore out just from active use and travel. Was it possible to make the cables so that they would not ignite? No doubt! But then the company would lose on the accessories and not get the extra money.

Our world is built around energy, we convert energy into heat, light, food and goods. When Apple reduces memory in its very expensive phones, it does so on purpose. The less storage you have, the more often you’ll be forced to purchase iCloud space to store your memories and other files in the cloud. Every time you move data to the cloud, you’re wasting energy in our world that could be saved if you had more storage space on your device. But it’s not profitable for Apple, so only iCloud, only loading services is sometimes pointless.

Not long ago, they explained to us that the refusal of chargers with phones was due to environmental concerns. This concern brings the company billions of dollars every year, and the number of chargers has not decreased, but has increased! People are forced to buy different chargers, their number is increasing.

With the presentation of the iPhone 15, Apple showed a new synthetic material – Fine Woven. It supposedly has a minimal carbon footprint, which is good for nature, and the company is now eliminating leather from all products. Sounds cool to those who care about nature? In fact, everything is quite the opposite. Any synthetic material requires a lot of energy to produce, while leather is a by-product of raising animals for feed. People will not stop eating meat, leather goods will not go away. Denial of leather is a marketing gimmick that has no basis in any real struggle for the environment.

And now let’s see what is happening with the environment and what other issues Apple offers? And suddenly we see that the “harmful” silicone cases haven’t gone away, they still cost $50 and are available in any color.

For a long time, Apple made its own proprietary connectors and resisted the introduction of USB Type C in its phones. And it also means that the company deliberately multiplies the solution zoo so that you don’t have to buy more different cables and use the ones you already have. The math is still the same, the buyer has to spend more money. Maximum amount.

And now the transition to USB Type C, a “cheaper” adapter to combine the old and new connectors appears separately. cold? Not great for the environment.

Proceed. The reduced number of ports on the MacBook means that people are forced to buy additional accessories, although this could have been avoided in the past. Also “concern” for the environment, although, rather, the usual hypocrisy in search of profit.

When Apple talks about how they make cases for their devices, they never provide data on how much energy it takes (including water). The reason is very simple, if you find out about this, you will not think that the company cares about the environment, on the contrary, you will start to have some doubts. In the West, the ESG agenda has long been dead; Within the framework of the global crisis it no longer has any reason to exist, the prices of everything are rising, and taking care of the environment is out of hand. It is important to compete with your products in the market.

I have developed a conditioned reflex: when someone talks about the environment in relation to their product, I prepare for the fact that they will try to charge me a lot of money. Kudos to Apple for showing the market this direction of growth.

Let’s keep talking about the environment and the energy we spend charging our devices. Apple is different in that it is in no rush to add fast charging to its smartphones, as a result, we waste more energy. What’s more, MagSafe wireless charging is something that doesn’t waste energy carelessly anywhere. Engineers’ failure to create efficient chargers results in a lot of energy being wasted every time. And this is simply a fact that cannot be argued. Other manufacturers have high-performance wireless chargers. Apple doesn’t care about the environment; Apple pretends to do something about it. But it all comes out of the buyer’s pocket, who is forced to pay for supposedly green appliances and accessories. This, of course, is not true.

And the old iPhone slowdown story, in which Apple got caught, and the company admitted it did it? People were encouraged to replace their perfectly working devices with new devices, although there was no requirement to do so. In fact, their devices were deliberately broken to encourage them to buy new ones. And this is the story of the lack of care for nature, the increase in the number of devices in the hands of people. All this is done to increase the profits of the company; It is impossible to see anything else here.

My story doesn’t have a word about product quality, just an explanation of how Apple used the word “ecology” to inflate product costs and create the appearance of responsible behavior. goes But in reality there is none of that. And this is pure hypocrisy. Or do you think differently?

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